Reform Alert # 6 - Retirement Plan Election Materials for Your Employees
Michigan Office of Retirement Services sent this bulletin at 09/06/2012 05:31 PM EDT
September 6, 2012
Reform Alert - Retirement Plan Election Materials for Your Employees
2012 MPSERS Reform election materials have been shipped to your HR/Benefit Coordinators attention. These will help your employees through the process of making their retiree healthcare and pension elections. These materials will reinforce the messages employees are receiving in a letter from the Office of Retirement Services (ORS), which directs them to miAccount for full details.
As your employees return to work for the new school year, please have these materials available to them. Hang posters in areas where your employees can take advantage of them—in offices, lounge areas, conference rooms, and near mailboxes. Each employee should also receive a handout—include them in back-to-school materials or place in mailboxes.
If you need more posters or handouts, you may print copies from our website at Click on Employee Resources, then on Publications/Posters.
We appreciate all your help as we implement changes due to the reform and encourage all members to make their elections in miAccount during the election window, which opens Tuesday, September 4, 2012, and closes Friday, October 26, 2012, at 5 p.m. EDT.